Passivhaus Affiliate

Building a Passivhaus using standard UK building techniques

Date: 4th APril 2011 Time:
Location: Green Building Store's HQ in Huddersfield West Yorkshire Cost: £295 (+VAT) for non-members / £265.50 (+VAT) for PHT members

Green Building Store's construction division Green Building Company will be offering a one-day intensive course and technical site visit to the Denby Dale Passivhaus on Monday 4th April 2011 at Green Building Store's HQ in Huddersfield West Yorkshire.

The course offers an introduction to the Passivhaus detailing and construction techniques used at the Denby Dale Passivhaus, the lessons learned and how the techniques can be applied to other builds.

Topics covered in the course include:

  • Lessons learnt from Denby Dale Passivhaus and other UK Passivhaus projects
  • Understanding Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR)
  • Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP)
  • 2-dimensional thermal (THERM) modelling

The day is aimed primarily at architects and building professionals and is divided into intensive morning presentations, lunch time informal discussions and site visit to the Denby Dale Passivhaus.  Guest speaker Niall Crosson, Technical Engineer at Ecological Building Systems, will also be discussing ‘The role of airtightness and breathable tapes and membranes’.

Feedback from previous training events has been extremely positive. For more information go to:

To book a place please contact Camilla Govan on 01484 461705 or email

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