Passivhaus Affiliate

PassivHaus is not just for Grand Designs

Date: 17 June 2014 Time: 15.00 - 18.00
Location: Trinity Arts Centre, Trinity Road, Bristol BS2 0NW Cost: Free to attend, registration essential

The PassivHaus journey has only just begun in the UK, where there are now over 250 completed projects in comparison to over 37,000 in Europe. The developments here are predominantly individual houses, a hand full of multiple unit schemes and a sprinkling of non-domestic projects.

With recent changes to Building Regulations (Part L) driving a fabric first approach to construction and new 2016 Zero Carbon targets, has the tipping point come for the wider adoption of PassivHaus in large scale housing schemes?

Join us, clients and construction professionals to explore the drive within leading UK businesses to build to PassivHaus standards. Research suggests significant benefits can be accrued by all sections of the development business: 

  • Has the tipping point come for larger scale PassivHaus housing schemes in the UK?
  • Does cost-in-use research demonstrate long term benefits?
  • Can a rise in larger-scale housing developments to the PassivHaus standard have as profound an impact on reducing delivery cost and increasing ability, capacity and skills of the supply chain in the UK as it has in Europe?
  • Can we mimic Brussels where all new domestic and non-domestic projects must be delivered to PassivHaus standard?
  • Is this right for Bristol 2015, European Green Capital? Could PassivHaus be a lasting legacy for the city?

hear from Urbis Developments on why they selected PassivHaus for their next open market housing scheme and from Hastoe Housing Association on why 20% of all their new development will now be to PassivHaus standards; consider Encraft's argument that if your priority is long-term cost-in-use then the only realistic development standard is PassivHaus; finally discover how PassivHaus has completely transformed the energy consumption of Brussels which has developed a significant home-grown supplier base for certified PassivHaus products.

Informative and forward thinking: a real must for anyone interested in the future of the residential development market. Will PassivHaus give your organisation the competitive advantage?

This event will be followed by another Passivhaus event in the evening:

The business case for large scale non-domestic Passivhaus


Further information and booking details:

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