Passivhaus Affiliate

Local Authority & Housing Association Event

Date: 23 June 2016 Time: 12.30 - 16.30
Location: London (TBC) Cost: Free and exclusively for LAs and HAs


The purpose of this event is to further develop relationships with leading local authorities and housing associations who have adopted, or are considering adopting the Passivhaus standard, in order to find out how to encourage greater uptake.

The aim is to find out what they have tried to do and why, and how they’ve succeeded in getting to this point, and if there are any barriers stopping them adopting Passivhaus, and what can the Trust do to help remove some of the barriers?

Knights Place, Gale & Snowden Wimbish Passivhaus, Parsons + Whittley for Hastoe HA

L-R: Exeter City Council's Knights Place, Exeter. Hastoe Housing's Wimbish Passivhaus, Essex


12.30 – 12.50: Registration

12.50 – 13.00: Introduction: Passivhaus Trust

Section A: Political

13.00 – 13.20: Encouraging local authorities to adopt Passivhaus: Andrew Cooper, Green Party

13.20 – 13.40: The adoption of Passivhaus within the Local Authority: Gwyn Jones, Norwich City Council

Section B: Delivery

13.40 – 14.00: Procurement approaches: Emma Osmundsen, Exeter City Council

14.00 – 14.20: Costs and Value: John Lefever, Hastoe Housing

14.20 – 14.30: Q&A

14.30 – 15.00: Tea and Coffee

15.00 – 15.30: Feedback from each attendee – what have they done, what's worked & what hasn't

15.30 – 16.00: Facilitated discussion – are there common lessons? Can people help each other solve some problems?

16.00 – 16.30: Final discussion – what can the Trust do to help remove some of the barriers?

16.30: CLOSE


Burnham Overy Staithe Circle Housing, Rainham

L-R: Hastoe Housing's Burnham Overy Staite, Norfolk. Circle Housing's Rainham, Essex


The event is free of charge and exclusively for local authorities and Housing Associations. To book, please email

If you have been working with or know of a Local Authorities or Housing Association that may be interested in attending the event, please ask them to email for further information.


Kindly hosted by:

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