Passivhaus Affiliate

International Passivhaus Conference

Date: 22 - 23 April 2016 Time: 2 day event
Location: Darmstadt, Germany Cost: 560 Euros Early booking rate. PHT members receive further 10% discount

To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the International Passivhaus Conference is returning to Darmstadt, Germany, where the first Passivhaus was built.

1st passivhaus

On 22 and 23 April 2016, over a hundred speakers from all over the world will report on the latest projects relating to highly energy efficient construction and retrofits. The anniversary will also serve as an occasion for a review, with the presentation of results relating to the durability of the individual building components of the first Passivhaus.

This year there is a whole session in the programme dedicated to UK & Ireland experiences, along with a number of presentations from UK speakers in other sessions.

20th International Passive House Conference logo

Sessions - Day 1

I. Passive House Plus


II. New projects and components


III. EnerPHit - latest retrofit projects


IV. Warm climates


V. Longterm experiences


VI. Non-residential buildings


VII. Cost-effective Passive Houses


VIII. Experiences from UK and Ireland

Sessions - Day 2

IX. Ventilation solutions


X. Components for retrofits and new builts


XI. Tools - new features and latest developments


XII. Passive Houses in North America and cold climates


XIII. Passive House areas and major projects


XIV. Passive House and renewables


XV. Step-by-step retrofits


XVI. China goes passive!

Full Programme  NB- programme subject to changes.


Early Bird Registration Expires: 20th February 2015

Take advantage of the early bird registration rates by booking your ticket before the 20th February.

Patron and Standard PHT members are entiled to 10% discount on the prices listed below:

  • €560 Early booking rate                                                             

  • €690 Regular rate                                    

  • €210 Speaker rate

  • €380 Poster presenter rate 

  • 50% Student discount (Full-time students only; copy of valid student ID must be enclosed with registration)

Group discounts and one day tickets are available. Please contact iPHA for further information.


Further Information

International Passivhaus Conference 2016

Download 2016 Conference Programme

Previous PHT Story: 29 April 2015 - Summary of the 19th International Passivhaus Conference

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