The Passivhaus Standard in affordable housing
Date: 18th October 2011 | Time: 10:00 - 15:30 |
Location: Hadlow College, Hadlow, Tonbridge | Cost: £40 |
A one day conference introducing the Passivhaus Standard to social housing providers, local authoriFes, contractors and designers. To be held in a completed Passivhaus atHadlowCollege
10.00 Introduction
ProfessorIanSwingland OBE
10.30 Regulatory framework, SAP, SBEM, Code, Building Regulations
Mark Saich,Green Building Solutions Ltd
11.00 The Passivhaus standard explained
PaulMallion, Conker Conservation Ltd
11.30 Passivhaus products andavailability in the UK
JoeWild, Ecomerchant
12.00 Lunch and Networking
13.00 Construction, a contractors perspective on building to the Passivhauss tandard
Andrew Bassant, Ecolibrium Solutions Ltd
13.30 Costs, value and funding of higher quality buildings
George Betteridge, Betteridge & Milsom
14.00 Retrofit of existing housing stock
Keith Bothwell,University of Kent
14.30 Conclusion,questions, discussion
Action with Communities in Rural Kent
15.30 Tea,Close
For booking and enquiries contact
TessO’Sullivan at or on 01303813790
Download the evnt flyer HERE.