Passivhaus Affiliate

Scottish Passivhaus Projects Update

Date: 16 June 2016 Time: 14.00 - 17.30
Location: McCance Room 301, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XJ Cost: £12 for PHT members & partners, £24 for non-members (inc. VAT)


This afternoon seminar will provide an update on the latest Passivhaus projects in Scotland, and will discuss what is needed to help practitioners in Scotland move forward on larger schemes.



13.30 Registration, tea & coffee

14.00 Welcome & update on the activities of the Passivhaus Trust in the UK and in Scotland
- Jon Bootland, Passivhaus Trust and Paul Tuohy, University of Strathclyde

  • Highlights of the latest UK developments.

  • Highlights from the International Passive House Conference 2016.

  • Brief update on PHT working groups: Quality Assurance, Overheating, Ventilation, In-use performance, Certification and Procurement.

14.20 Cedar Street & Cedar Court EnerPHit projects, Glasgow
- Rupert Daly, Collective Architecture

Cedar Street & Cedar Court, Glasgow - Collective Architecture

14.35 Scottish Passivhaus post-occupancy feedback - Overheating and ventilation
- Janice Foster, MEARU

14.45 Innovate UK post-occupany feedback studies
 - Chris Morgan, MEARU

14.55 Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, updates and industry support mechanisms and CSIC funding models
 - Frank Boyle, CSIC

15.05 Q&A

15.15 Coffee break             

15.40 Brief updates on Passivhaus activities

  • Ostro and Hamilton Passivhaus projects - Mhairi Grant, Paper Igloo 

  • Ferndown and Lenzie Passivhaus projects - Chris Morgan, Locate Architects
  • PHPP9 and Passivhaus Classic, Plus and Premium - Nicholas Major, White Hill Design Studio

  • Passivhaus schools - Wendy Pandya, Architype

Ostro Passivhaus - Paper Igloo

16.30 Exercise: What do people need to help them take projects forwards?

17.10 Voting and discussion

17.30 Drinks and networking



Kindly supported by:


·         Identify and Prioritise Scottish Passivhaus needs (Voting)

·         Identify available support e.g. Masterclasses / Protocols / iPHA etc. (PHPP9, Overheating, Quality Assurance, MVHR etc), debate sufficiency / gaps / needs.

·         Identify and prioritise future events / initiatives / collaborations.

o   E.g. Overheating guidance, Ventilation guidance, QA, Performance monitoring, Masterclasses, CPD roadmap.

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