Study Tour of Passivhaus Region: Brussels
Date: 16 - 18 October 2016 | Time: 3 day tour |
Location: Brussels | Cost: 595 Euros PHT members |
The Passivhaus Trust is delighted to support a study trip to Brussels to experience the first region in the world to mandate Passivhaus - a great step forward for NZEB (nearly zero energy buildings).
The objective is to experience at first-hand a city and region which took the bold step to mandate an energy standard way above that required at the national level. Meet the officials that made it all happen, visit a broad range of projects and network with like-minded advocates of energy efficiency from UK, Ireland and the US.
This fact-finding tour, to experience and learn first-hand how Brussels went Passive, was an invaluable and inspirational trip. Tomás O’Leary was a flawless and fun guide, who connected us with both the key, high-level Ministers and policy-makers, as well as the architects, contractors and developers, who are leading Brussels' Passivhaus revolution. The people we met and the projects we saw provided a tangible vision of how to effectively build capacity and implement a successful low energy building standard. The insiders tour of Brussels Passivhaus transformation is a must for all who seek real, effective solutions to our climate crisis.
Feedback from 2015 Brussels Tour: Richard Yancey, Executive Director, Building Energy Exchange, NYC.
Bookings must be made online.
Any queries please contact Passive House Academy
p: +353 (0) 404 25777