UK Passivhaus Open Days 2011- Projects
Date: 11th - 13th November | Time: Various |
Location: All over the UK | Cost: FREE |
The 2nd UK Passivhaus Open Days will take place from 11th to 13th November. The Open Days have been organised in conjunction with The International Passive House Days set up by the International Passive House Association (iPHA). The iPHA event is currently in its 8th year and will have projects from all over Europe open to the public. This also marks the 15th anniversary of the Passive House institute and the 20th anniversary of the Passivhaus concept.
At the UK Passivhaus Open Days, you will have the opportunity to experience the comforts of the Passivhaus standard first hand and learn more about it. A range of projects will be open to the public including private houses, social housing, community buildings, office buildings and refurbished properties. The buildings have been designed by different architects and built using various construction methods.
Craigrothie Passivhaus, Cupar, Fife
Hadlow Rural Regeneration Centre, Hadlow, Tonbridge
Denby Dale Passivhaus, Denby Dale, West Yorkshire
Eco Vicarages, Kingswinford, West Midlands
Dormont Estate, Dormont, Lockerbie
Totnes Passivhaus, Dartington, Totnes
Mayville Community Centre, Islington, London
Watch this space for the complete list of Passivhaus projects on display.
Craigrothie Passivhaus, Cupar, Fife
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | 10:00 to 15:00 |
Saturday 12th November | 10:00 to 15:00 |
Sunday 13th November | 10:00 to 15:00 |
This compact 2 bedroom bungalow with a treated floor area of 81m2 was a first passivhaus project for all those involved. A high ratio of heat loss area to useable floorspace (the heat loss form factor is 4.6) meant that achieving the passivhaus standardproved to be a challenge in terms of design and building costs . The southerly aspect ofthe small plot (370m2) allowed the full benefit of solar gains to be taken.
The house is of timber frame construction built on a ground bearing concrete slab andis thermal bridge free. U values of the floor slab, walls and roof are all around0.08W/m2K, windows & doors 0.8 to 0.9W/m2K.
Project Stage: Completion due mid October 2011
Passivhaus Status: Aiming for PH certification
Project Team: Architect: Chris Morgan, Locate Architects
Consultant: Graham Drummond, Passivhaus Associates
Contractor: W H Brown Construction (Dundee) Ltd
Location: Sunnyside, Old Mill Road, Craigrothie, Cupar, Fife, KY
Nearest Public Transport Stop: Semi rural location so getting there by public transport will not be easy. Nearest town is Cupar which has a mainline railway station. Please let me know if you require to be collected in Cupar - this will not be a problem.
Maximum number of Visitors: 6 persons per group
Special requirements: Please book in advance by phone or email as parking is limited in Old Mill Road. Shoe free - please bring slippers if you wish.
Booking contact: Graham Drummond on 07967 585414 or
Hadlow Rural Regeneration Centre
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | 09:00 to 16:00 |
Saturday 12th November | 09:00 to 13:00 |
Sunday 13th November | Not available |
The Rural Regeneration Centre is an iconic seminar and exhibition building, certified by the PassivHaus Institute, situated on a working dairy farm and providing a unique educational and sustainable experience. It is a living example that low-carbon buildings can be built at the same cost as normal educational builds if sufficient thought, planning and passion is given at the design stage. An energy monitor captures and displays the energy consumption of the building.
Project Stage: Occupied
Passivhaus Status: PH certified
Project Team: Eurobuild
Location: Blackman’s Farm, Blackman’s Lane, Hadlow, Tonbridge, TN11 0AX
Nearest Public Transport Stop: Tonbridge Railway Station, Regular buses to Hadlow college
Maximum number of Visitors: 50 visitors at a time
Special requirements: To avoid farm traffic please ensure that cars are parked in the cinder area immediately in front of the building or in the larger parking area to the left of the main farm drive.
There is a disabled parking space in front of the building and the building is on one floor so it is easily accessible for wheelchair users.
Booking contact: Sue Brimlow on 01732 853169 or
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | 11:00 to 16:00 |
Saturday 12th November | 11:00 to 16:00 |
Sunday 13th November | Not available |
The Denby Dale Passivhaus is the UK’s first cavity wall Passivhaus and has been a pioneering and experimental application of Passivhaus methodology to cavity wall construction. It has tried to create a low-cost and easily replicable template for low energy Passivhaus construction, using techniques and materials familiar to British builders. The three bed 118m2 detached house was constructed by Green Building Store’s construction division – Green Building Company - for private clients in 2010. An excellent opportunity to view the project and speak to the owners of the house on their experiences of living in a Passivhaus over the first year.
Project Stage: Occupied (for over a year)
Passivhaus Status: PH certified
Project Team: Green Building Store
Location: Denby Dale, West Yorkshire, HD8 8RX
Nearest Public Transport Stop: Denby Dale Railway Station
Maximum number of Visitors: N/A
Special requirements: N/A
Booking contact: Chayley/ Abi on 01484 461705 or at
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | Please book in advance |
Saturday 12th November | Please book in advance |
Sunday 13th November | Please book in advance |
Believed to be England’s first ever home to achieve both PHPP and Code for Sustainable Homes level 6. This project requires 4 Eco Vicarages to be built in different locations for The Diocese of Worcester.The Eco Vicarages are to be built to meet Code Level 6 for Sustainable Homes and will also comply with Passivhaus design standards. Heat loss from the vicarage is expected to be less than one tenth that of average homes and earns the title of zero carbon ‘passive house’.
Project Stage: Completion due end of October 2011
Passivhaus Status: PH certified
Project Team: Architect: Associated Architects
Consultant: Couch Perry & Wilkes (Environmental)
Contractor: Speller Metcalfe
Location: 17 Penzer Street, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7AA
Nearest Public Transport Stop: Stourport Town Railway Station
Maximum number of Visitors: 25
Special requirements: Please book in advance.
Booking contact: Mark Wild on 01905 20537 or
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | 09:00 to 15:00 |
Saturday 12th November | Not available |
Sunday 13th November | Not available |
Dormont estate is a unique project in that it provides a small scale Passive House development which is available for rent from a private landlord. The project consists of 4 semi-detached properties that were developed as part of the rural homes for rent pilot scheme by the Scottish Government. The buildings have incorporated both solar thermal panels and a log burning stove with wet back boiler for the generation of DHW.
Project Stage: Occupied
Passivhaus Status: PH Certified
Project Team: Client: Jamie A Carruthers
Architect: David Major – White Hill Design Studio
Contractor: CCG OSM
Consultant/Certifier: Scottish Passive House Centre
Location: Dormont Estate, Dormont, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire, DG11 1DJ
Nearest Public Transport Stop: Lockerbie Railway station/ Dalton Village bus station.
Maximum number of Visitors: 4 per hourly visit (visits every hour starting at 9:00)
Special requirements: N/A
Booking contact: Jamie A Carruthers on 01387 840222 or at
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | 11:00 to 17:00 |
Saturday 12th November | 10:00 to 16:00 |
Sunday 13th November | Not available |
Refurbishment of a London terraced house to the Passivhaus standard.
Project Stage: Occupied
Passivhaus Status: PH Certified
Project Team:
Architect: T.C.R. MacMillan Scott, The MacMillan Scott Practice
Contractor: Ryder Strategies Europe Ltd
Consultant: Green Tomato Energy
Location: Corner of Lena Gardens and Loris Road, 20 Lena Gardens & Loris Road, W60NB London
Nearest Public Transport Stop: London underground tube stations Hammersmith and Goldhawk Road. Shepherds Bush is also close by.
Maximum number of Visitors: 8 per group visit (visits every hour starting at 9:00)
Special requirements: Tours must be booked in advance. Please quote "Passive House Days" in any email correspondence. If you don't get a confirmation reply, please chase.
The tours will be conducted by Edward Borgstein and Tom Pakenham. The tours will last for 1hr and will start at the following times:
Friday: 11.00, 12.30, 14.00, 15.30
Saturday: 10.00, 11.30, 13.00, 14.30
Booking contact: 020 3008 7667 or at
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | Not available |
Saturday 12th November | 10:00 to 17:00 |
Sunday 13th November | Not available |
Hybrid retrofit and new build extension of a family home
Retrofit element: conventional cavity wall construction with high performance external insulation; self-coloured render (wall U-value 0.10W/m²K)
New build element, using natural, breathable materials: Steico timber I-frame with wood-fibre and sheepswool insulation, clad in UK sourced, FSC sweet chestnut cladding (average wall U-value 0.11W/m²K), living roof.
Certification (full PH standard): September 2011.
More information here:
Project Stage: Occupied
Passivhaus Status: PH Certified
Project Team: Janet Cotterell, Jonathan Williams, Adam Dadeby
Location: 11 Hunters Moon, Dartington, Totnes, TQ9 6JT
Nearest Public Transport Stop: Totnes Railway station (1.1 miles, 20 mins’ walk); 165 bus from Totnes, nearest stop Cott Inn
There is more 'how to find' us information at:
Maximum number of Visitors: 6 in any one slot
Special requirements: Please use Doodle ( to book a place, rather than just turn up. There is limited parking in Hunters Moon.
Visits will take place in six 50 minute slots from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm
Booking contact:
Please use Doodle to book a visit :
Adam Dadeby or on 07968 778875
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | 14:00 to 17:30 |
Saturday 12th November | Not available |
Sunday 13th November | Not available |
Victorian terraced Passivhaus certified Retrofit
Victorian terraced house in a London conservation area retrofitted to meet 80% CO2 reduction as part of the UK Government programme Retrofit for the Future. The strategy chosen to achieve this target was based on the PassivHaus principles.
The strategy included: replacement and redesign of the internal floors and partitions; internal insulation throughout; very high level of airtightness; triple glazed conservation area compliant sash windows (acting as casement); triple glazed super insulated external doors; solar thermal panels for the production of hot water, MVHR ventilation system; low energy lighting and appliances.
Project Stage: Occupied
Passivhaus Status: PH Certified
Project Team: Paul Davis + Partners; Princedale EcoHouse; Eight Associates; Greentomatoenergy
Location: 100 Princedale Road, London W11 4NH
Nearest Public Transport Stop: Holland Park Tube
Maximum number of Visitors: 40 people in 4x tours of 10 people. (2pm; 3pm; 4pm; 5pm)
Special requirements: Shoes will need to be taken off.
Booking contact: Hannah Thompson (Octavia Housing) on 020 8354 5665 or at
Mayville Community Centre
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | 10:00 to 16:00 |
Saturday 12th November | Not available |
Sunday 13th November | Not available |
Community Centre Passivhaus Retrofit
The Mayville Community Centre is the first ultra low energy, Passivhaus retrofit community centre in the UK. (currently undergoing full PHI certification) and will help demonstrate how deep retrofit of existing buildings rather than demolition, is an achievable and viable solution for much of the UK’s existing building stock. Prior to refurbishment the Mayville Community Centre was in urgent need of complete renovation, being uninsulated, inefficiently used and inaccessible. Refurbishment has transformed this local authority owned, Victorian building, located within the deprived Mayville estate, into a community centre which will serve the future comfort needs of local residents while saving financial resources for key services.
Project Stage: Completed and commissioned August 2011 (subject to separate internal fittings and finishings contract)
Passivhaus Status: Passivhaus retrofit refurbishment - undergoing full PHI certification
Project Team:
Architects – bere:architects
Quantity Surveyor – E-Griffin Consulting
Services Consultant – Alan Clarke
HRV Design – Green Building Store
Substructure Engineer – Conisbee
Green Roof Design – Dusty Gedge
Main Contractor – Buxton Building Contractors Ltd
Passivhaus Windows – Double Good Windows
Location: Woodville Road, London N16 8NA
Maximum number of Visitors: N/A
Special requirements: Please book in advance-
*Accompanied visits will take place between 10-11am and 2-4pm*
Booking contact: Lucy Procter on 020 7424 5567 or at
Visits available | |
Friday 11th November | 13:00 to 17:00 |
Saturday 12th November | Not available |
Sunday 13th November | Not available |
23 unit New build Social housing scheme
The Sampson Close scheme of 18 flats and 5 houses is the first and largest social housing scheme in the Midlands to obtain Passivhaus Certification.
Prefabricated timber frame wall and roof panels were factory made in Germany and delivered to site in a predetermined sequence for erecting. High performing insulation, made up of a high recycled content, gives performance U values less than 0.15W/m2K to walls, floors and roofs. The first three homes at Sampson Close, which were erected in one week; all achieved an air test of 0.6 or below. Large solar panels are used to heat the domestic hot water system and a district gas fired heating system provides space heating when required. It's anticipated that a two-bedroom flat will cost less than £2 per week to heat. Sensors have been installed to monitor temperature, humidity, CO2, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), energy consumption for space heating and domestic hot water and the Data collected is analysed by Orbit and used to plan maintenance and investment programmes.
More information on the scheme can be found here.
Project Stage: Occupied
Passivhaus Status: PH Certified
Project Team:
- Landlord: Orbit Heart of England
- Developer: Orbit Homes
- Architect: Baily Garner
- Contractor: Wates Living Space
- Timber frame: Gumpp and Maier
- Passivhaus consultant: Trecodome
Location: 40 Sampson Close, Foleshill, Coventry CV2 1RB
Maximum number of Visitors: 8 in a group at any point of time on site
Special requirements: See Site etiquette document here.
Tours will be conducted by Marcus Lewis from Baily Garner and representatives from Orbit will be on site to answer questions.
Booking contact: Tanisha at or on 020 7704 3502.