Passivhaus Affiliate

AECB CarbonLite Passivhaus training courses

Date: 7th February 2011 Time:
Location: London and Bristol Cost: Various

The AECB are running CarbonLite Passivhaus training courses in London & Bristol during February 2011.  AECB carbon lite logo
Book early before the VAT increase on 4th January 2011!
Understanding the Passivhaus standard, principles and methodologies
7th February 2011             Westbourne Grove, London
14th February 2011           CityPoint, Bristol

Using the Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP) to design low energy buildings
8th/9th February 2011      Westbourne Grove, London 
15th/16th February 2011  CityPoint, Bristol 

Thermal bridging
10th February 2011          Westbourne Grove, London 
17th February 2011          CityPoint, Bristol 

Further information can be found on the CarbonLite website , or by contacting Helen Bennett (Tel: 01752 542546).
Bookings can be made via the AECB website  by following the course link; or by calling Sally Hall on 01559 370798.

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