Passivhaus Affiliate

London Climate Action Week: Getting to Net Zero

Date: 1 July 2020 Time: 11.00 - 12.30
Location: Online Cost: Free to attend, booking essential

London Climate Action Week: Getting to Net Zero                                                                                                                                                       Photo by Fas Khan on Unsplash

The response to Covid-19 proves that drastic social and behavioural change can be done. There is now a significant opportunity for sweeping reforms in urban areas to improve health & wellbeing and mitigate against the climate emergency. These can also be drivers of economic activity.

The Passivhaus Trust and London Energy Transformative Initiative (LETI) join forces for London Climate Action Week (LCAW) to bring you an online event addressing why buildings must form a core part of the green recovery, and how to deliver.

The question is no longer why bother with energy-efficient buildings, but how can we implement at scale fast enough?! Passivhaus offers a tried and tested solution. As the Passivhaus Trust celebrates its 10th anniversary, it is an opportune moment to reflect upon the journey of the Standard in the UK over the last decade. Has this built steadfast foundations as we look ahead to the climate crisis challenges posed over the next 10 years, and beyond?

Can we design ourselves out of a climate emergency? LETI’s design guide sets out an approach and targets needed for UK schemes to achieve to reach Net Zero in operation. It offers developers & policy officers a reference point to set standards & ensure our climate crisis targets are met.



11.00 – 11.45     

John PalmerPassivhaus: Back to the future

What lessons have we learnt from the last decade as we rally into the challenges of the next 10 years, and beyond, in the face of transitioning to net-zero.

John Palmer, Passivhaus Trust

11.45 – 12.30   

Debby Ray, London Energy Transformation InitiativeClimate Emergency Design Guide

Learn more about LETI’s guide which sets out the approach, targets, and benchmarks that developments in the UK need to achieve to reach Net Zero in operation.

Debby Ray, London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI)

Both sessions will include a short Q&A.


Free to attend, booking essential.



Please register via the online booking form.


London Climate Action Week: Getting to Net Zero



LCAW 2020 is a series of virtual events from the 1-3 July, focusing on climate policy post-Covid19 exploring green investment to rebuild economies, international collaboration, solutions for adaptation and resilience, and an equitable transition to a sustainable future.




Further Information

Follow us on twitter @PassivhausTrustLondon Climate Action Week

Passivhaus: a route to zero carbon?

LETI: Climate Emergency Design Guide

#LCAW2020   I   #LDNClimateAction   I    #Passivhaus

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