Passivhaus Affiliate

Get involved in Passivhaus research & events 2015

The Passivhaus Trust is continuously developing new guides, papers, events and projects to fulfil the ever-growing demand to reach a thorough understanding of the Passivhaus Standard in the UK.

There are a number of opportunities to become involved in the projects, listed below, at various levels.

Project Title

Project Proposal


Funding required


How to build a Passivhaus Wiki

How to build a Passivhaus

Wiki proposed to provide further information and details to the guidance document

March 2015 onwards



Passivhaus Product Directory, PHPD

A products database website that is linked to the UK Passivhaus Projects database

April 2016 onwards

£10,000 to initiaite

from £300 per product tbc 

UK Passivhaus Awards

2015 UK Passivhaus Awards logo

 Ceremony and exhibition

Launch at Ecobuild 2015; Ceremony 7th July 2015 London

£ 8,000 - £10,000

£3000 per category (small projects/large projects/retrofit)

UK Passivhaus Conference 

UK Passivhaus Conference 2015

Conference and exhibition 

20th October 2015 

Sponsorship and exhibition packages available on website:


Passivhaus Project case studies: 

Printed Illustrated brochure: Examples of small and large social housing, small and large private housing, small and large non-domestic projects, new-build and retrofit.

From summer 2015 ready to be handed out at 2015 conference 

£5,000 - £8,000

£500 to £1000 per case study 

By taking part in the development of a project, sponsors will input to its content through their experience and knowledge. Additionally, they could have an opportunity to include information about their schemes in the examples used. (Project dependent).

Sponsors will be associated with the expertise presented within each project, and their brand will be promoted. Logos and website links will be visible on printed and electronic publications,  our website and associated social media. 

23rd February 2015

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