Dun Laoghaire Rathdown step closer to mandatory Passivhaus
Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council has voted emphatically to make the passive house standard mandatory for new buildings. Councillors voted by 26 votes to 13 in support of putting the clause in the local authority’s development plan for 2016 to 2022.
"All new buildings will be required to meet the passive house standard or equivalent, where reasonably practicable." The motion, sponsored by Councillor Marie Baker of Fine Gael
The motion defined "equivalent" as other evidence-based standards with an emphasis on comfort, indoor air quality, low energy consumption and the prevention of condensation.
Councillors supported the motion despite the Construction Industry Federation (CIF) and Nama calling to reject it. Dublin City Council’s draft development plan contains a similar passivhaus clause and is currently out to public consultation.
Hear more about Passivhaus planning schemes in Dublin from the Passive House Academy at the upcoming UK Passivhaus Conference. #UKPHC15
Further Information
Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County council Draft Development Plan 2016-2022 [Chapter 5, pg 137]
The Irish Times: Nama, CIF object to Dun Laoghaire ‘passive house’ plan