Experiencing Passivhaus summer comfort
As part of London Climate Action Week, the UK 2022 Passivhaus Open Days Summer Edition saw a welcome return to in-person visits.
Shepherds Barn EnerPHit Plus project. Image credit: Mark Siddall, LEAP
The International Passivhaus Open Days offer a twice-yearly opportunity to visit Passivhaus projects - in real life and virtually - and to talk directly to the owners or professionals involved. The Open Days really give visitors the opportunity to experience the comfort and quality of the Passivhaus Standard first hand - and can really help with Passivhaus myth-busting. The summer open days offer an additional chance to experience the summer comfort of Passivhaus buildings, delivered through the the stringent Passivhaus requirements to avoid summer overheating.
What I liked best about the Passivhaus is that the air wasn't stagnant, but not draughty.
Carol Spencer, Visitor to Shepherds Barn EnerPHit Plus
This year there was the chance to view certified selfbuild homes, newbuild projects under construction, retrofit projects and a commercial building. Feedback from organisers and participants has been positive. The Open Days attracted a broad cross section of visitors, from would-be selfbuilders to construction professionals including surveyors, architects, technologists and engineers.
Many thanks for arranging this, it was very interesting and informative!
Comment from Ochtertyre Passivhaus project Open Day participant on Twitter
The house was really light even though the windows were not big.
Simon Jenkins, Visitor to Shepherds Barn EnerPHit Plus
— Grace Choi (@GraceChoiArch) June 24, 2022Really great day of meeting people, talking #passivhaus and giving tours of our Ochtertyre project near Stirling 🏴
— Paper Igloo Architecture (@paperigloovoice) June 24, 2022
Thanks to all who attended! 🙌🏼#iPHopendays #lowenergy #lowcarbon @PassivhausTrust @the_iPHA pic.twitter.com/mTKiqTSI6Z
Check out #iPHopendays for more posts.
Thanks to all participants
The Passivhaus Trust would like to thank all those who so warmly and generously welcomed visitors into their homes and buildings as part of the Open Days. Due to Covid restrictions, the Open Days have been more virtual than in-person over the last couple of years, so the Passivhaus Trust is very appreciative of the projects that have got back involved this year and to the owners and building professionals who have made it possible.
We're looking forward to the Winter Passivhaus Open Days already, which will be running from 11-13 November 2022. See you there!
Further information
Passivhaus Open Days 2022: Summer Edition
Passivhaus Open Days 2022: Winter Edition
iPHA International Passive House Open Days Videos