Passivhaus Affiliate

Winter warmer

Passivhaus comfort and energy efficiency were experienced first-hand this November during the UK Passivhaus Open Days 2022, part of the twice-yearly International Passive House Open Days. 

Passivhaus Open Days - Hampshire Passivhaus
Passivhaus Open Days - Old Holloway Passivhaus Open Days - Old Holloway Passivhaus Open Days - Ostro Passivhaus
Passivhaus Open Days - Sheffield EnerPHit Passivhaus Open Days - Cannock Mill Cohousing Passivhaus Open Days - Parklands EnerPHit

A total of 25 Passivhaus projects opened their doors for the Open Days in the UK and the total number of visitors experiencing the warmth and comfort of Passivhaus is estimated at over 1000. Self-builders, building professionals, and local authority officers were amongst those visiting Passivhaus projects which ranged from Exmouth to the Isle of Mull.

Heating not yet on

A number of the projects involved in the open days had not yet needed to put their heating on since the summer, demonstrating Passivhaus’ superior energy efficiency. Mark Siddall, Architect and Passivhaus Designer at LEAP commented: “The Shepherds Barn EnerPHit Plus had used their heating yet and for Steel Farm Passivhaus the house hadn't used the heating in the days leading up to the open days. Over the course of the day, the indoor temperature rose from 20C to 22.5C thanks to solar gains and the heat gains from the 29 visitors.”

Passivhaus Open Days - Shepherds Barn EnerPHit Plus Passivhaus Open Days - Parklands EnerPHit Passivhaus Open Days - Sheffield EnerPHit

Passivhaus Q&As

The Open Days give the Passivhaus curious a fantastic chance to ask questions of owners and the design team behind the project. Eric Parks, architect on the Chorlton Passivhaus project, commented: "Lots noticed how quiet it was inside." Questions range from how to reduce costs in heating bills to technical junction detailing. Ruth Butler, who ran the Hampshire Passivhaus Open Days commented: “There are still lots of Passivhaus myths to bust, particularly around ventilation”.  

Common questions included:

  • Is MVHR (mechanical ventilation with heat recovery) and ASHP (air source heat pump) noisy?
  • Does a well-insulated house overheat in summer?
  • What are the running costs?
  • Why aren’t developers offering Passivhaus homes?
  • Can you open the windows?
  • When will the government take this seriously?
Passivhaus Open Days - Weymouth Passivhaus Passivhaus Open Days - Cannock Mill Cohousing Passivhaus Open Days - Chorlton Manchester


Feedback from Open Day organisers

Old Holloway Passivhaus, Little Birch, HR2 - Certified Passivhaus

“I felt the participants found the visit useful and reassuring, some of them have been playing with an idea of going Passivhaus but weren’t sure what it’s about. Others already had a good idea and just wanted to have a ‘first-hand’ experience before proceeding with their own projects.

It was also a good opportunity to discuss different approach to construction, some people were not really familiar with sustainable materials such as timber, straw and clay plasters and the resulting added health benefits.”

Juraj Micurcik, Owner, Old Holloway

Roundhay, Leeds, LS8. Certified Passivhaus.

“Most groups stayed for a couple of hours, so there was a lot of discussion. I had construction photos and examples of materials on display. Several people were in early stages of projects, so hopefully lots of the things I was sharing will be useful to them.”

Richard Spencer, Owner, Roundhay Passivhaus

 Weymouth, Dorset, DT3. Certified Passivhaus.


“Most people were keen to know the external wall build up, and having a section of I beam and warmcel samples was handy. A couple came in the afternoon who are self building their own Passivhaus and asked more detailed questions  about insulation, level thresholds and managing subcontractors.”

Sarah Small, Owner, Weymouth Passivhaus

 Parklands, Milton Keynes, MK14. Aiming for EnerPHit Plus.


“The Open Days were really good fun. People were very positive about being able to see a project in progress and found it motivational. The general feel of the home was commented on a few times, specifically the relaxed atmosphere, the quietness. People were surprised at the quietness of the MVHR unit and how the ducts were very unintrusive. People seemed very interested in the different tapes and membranes.”

Donna Budden, Owner, Parklands EnerPHit


Passivhaus Open Days - Golcar Passivhaus Passivhaus Open Days - Ostro Passivhaus Passivhaus Open Days - Weymouth Passivhaus

Feedback from visitors

Shepherds Barn, County Durham, DH7. Certified EnerPHit Plus

"It’s really good to hear someone talking with passion about Passivhaus projects."

"I really enjoyed my visit this morning and have come away inspired. What you are doing together is great and the only sensible way forward."

Visitors to Shepherds Barn EnerPHit Plus

 Kingsley Passivhaus, Cheshire, WA6. Certified Passivhaus.


“Thank you very much for a lovely informative morning.  I came to get an idea of what a Passivhaus is, and what is involved.  I learned even more than I expected.”

Visitor to Kingsley Passivhaus 

 The Willows, Norfolk, NR14. Aiming for EnerPHit


“My questions were answered with great knowledge and understanding, which left me feeling inspired and motivated.”

Visitor to The Willows EnerPHit

 Tethera, Cumbria, CA11. Certified Passivhaus.


"You have created something really marvellous. Nothing online can truly capture the feeling of physically standing in and experiencing the space."

Visitor to Tethera, Cumbria


Passivhaus Open Days - Exmouth Passivhaus.

Get involved next year!

If you are a Passivhaus owner or occupant, please do consider getting involved in the Passivhaus Open Days in 2023 (held in June & November). The Open Days are an excellent way of helping to spread the Passivhaus love and there is a huge level of interest and appetite to find out more. We are very grateful to all those who took part this year!


Further information

Passivhaus Open Days 2022: Winter edition

International Passivhaus Open Days

Passivhaus goes Personal

Passivhaus goes Personal video

Previous Passivhaus Open Days: Summer 2022  I   2021   I  2020   I   2019   I   2018

iPHA International Passivhaus Open Days Videos


14th November 2022

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